3 Marketing Lessons from Super Bowl LVI - Profici

			3 Marketing Lessons from Super Bowl LVI

3 Marketing Lessons from Super Bowl LVI

Who watched last weeks’ Super Bowl? In America, and now here in the UK, Super Bowl Sunday has a reputation for being a marketers’ favourite event. Indeed, there are numerous lessons to be learnt from the Super Bowl adverts and halftime show.

The most successful and competitive agencies and businesses often show us their most innovative, forward-thinking and planned-out ad campaigns during the game, aiming to go down in advertising folklore.

So, let’s quickly examine some of the marketing lessons you can extract from last weeks’ Super Bowl LVI.

1. Invest in Influencer Marketing

Ali Azal, VP of Marketing in GRIN, said recently in an interview with Forbes magazine:

“The Super Bowl is the biggest viewing event in the United States, whether you are a fan of football or not. It allows brands to get in front of millions of consumers in one sitting, generate brand awareness and maximize their impact across all generations.”

One reason the Super Bowl is so popular is because of the artists and influencers who populate the crowd. In short, what stands out most about these adverts is how up-to-date, and on-vogue they are. The brands are seriously aiming to capture the names and influencers who are most popular right now.

Apply this principle to your marketing influencer campaigns and you should be onto a winner, focusing less on established names and more on upcoming creators.

2. Get Creative with Your Strategy

It’s important to get creative when building a robust, comprehensive marketing strategy that encompasses multiple platforms. Take Pepsi, for example, who traded in a yearly TV advert for an augmented logo banner that appeared for a whopping 12 minutes throughout the Super Bowl’s infamous halftime show.

What this shows is how important it is to get creative with your approach to strategising. Think about ways to maximise your resources and be clever with your campaigns. Think about the opportunities and channels you’re missing out on, and don’t be scared to take a chance.

3. Don’t be Afraid of Leveraging Emotions

However rational and emotionless we may think we are; the truth is that our purchasing decisions are mostly ruled by our emotions.

With this in mind, aim to connect your audience to your brand using their emotions. Try replicate everyday emotions within your campaigns by finding that emotional sweet spot and highlighting it for consumers, boosting your profitability in the process.

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