How to Choose the Right PPC Keywords - Profici

			How to Choose the Right PPC Keywords

How to Choose the Right PPC Keywords

PPC – which stands for pay-per-click – is a way to advertise as a business. It’s aimed at driving traffic to your website and increasing your online visibility, and a lot of this relies on the right choice of keywords. The key to a successful PPC campaign lies in choosing keywords that work for your business and your target audience. This might initially sound daunting. After all, how do you know how to choose the right PPC keywords for your campaign? In this blog, we have taken a look at the ins and outs of PPC campaigns, and the role that keywords play in their success.


What is a PPC Campaign?

A pay-per-click campaign is a form of online advertising, which sees businesses pay a fee each time one of their online adverts is clicked. These ads can appear on search engines such as Google, social media platforms such as Facebook and various other websites. The main goal of a PPC campaign is to attract relevant and potential customers to your website or landing page, where you can convert them into leads or customers.


Why are PPC Keywords Important?

To put it simply, PPC keywords are the foundation of your advertising and marketing campaigns. They are the words or phrases that you bid on, and they then trigger your ads to appear in search engine results or on other platforms. The importance of PPC keywords is due to the fact that they connect your ads to users who are actively searching for products or services like yours. If you use the right keywords, users will find that you offer exactly what they are looking for.


Don’t underestimate the importance of choosing the right PPC keywords, as there are huge advantages to doing so. For example, the right keywords can increase the relevance of your ads. Relevant keywords ensure that your ads are seen by users who are interested in what you offer, improving the chances of conversion. The right keywords can also lower the cost of your advertising. By targeting specific and relevant keywords, you can reduce the amount you spend on clicks that are less likely to convert into customers.


When search engines are determining the quality of your ad, they often factor in the relevance of keywords. This means that choosing the right keywords can positively influence your ad’s position and cost. Relevant keywords can also lead to higher click-through rates, which can positively impact your campaign’s overall performance and success.


How to Choose the Right PPC Keywords

Instead of simply guessing and assuming that you know which keywords are right for your PPC campaigns, take the time to research and test your options. This will ensure that you are choosing the right keywords for your specific audience.


  • Do Keyword Research – The first thing that you need to do is keyword research, to determine which keywords you have to consider. Use keyword research tools to discover relevant keywords and phrases that users are searching for, and then pick the best ones for your PPC campaign. Consider the search volume and competition for each keyword, and find the balance between what people are searching for, and what you are likely to rank for.
  • Understand Your Audience – When you are creating a PPC campaign, you need to know your target audience inside and out. Think about their pain points, needs and preferences. Think about what they are likely to search for, and what type of language will engage them.
  • Choose Long-Tail Keywords – There’s a lot of focus on short and snappy keywords, but don’t overlook long-tail keywords. These are more specific and have less competition, making it easier to target users with a high likelihood of making a purchase.
  • Use Negative Keywords – You can use negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic. For example, if you are a business that sells premium or luxury products, add negative keywords such as “cheap”, “discount” or “budget”. This will exclude users looking for more affordable options, ensuring that you aren’t paying for clicks that are unlikely to convert.
  • Conduct Competitor Analysis – Analyse the keywords that your competitors are targeting. This can provide valuable insights into what works in your industry and help you identify gaps in your keyword strategy. If a keyword is working for your competitors, it’s likely to work for you too.
  • Regularly Monitor Your Campaign – When you have a PPC campaign up and running, make sure to regularly monitor how it’s going. Keep a close eye on your PPC campaign’s performance, and determine which keywords are driving conversions and which are not. Adjust your keyword strategy accordingly, getting rid of any that aren’t providing a good return on investment.
  • Experiment and Test Keywords – Using A/B testing, you can refine your keyword strategy. Try different variations of your ad copy and keywords to see what resonates best with your audience. This enables you to focus your attention on the keywords that work, and not waste time on those that don’t.


At Profici, we understand that PPC campaigns can be complex, especially when it comes to choosing the right keywords. To ensure that your advertising is a complete success, enlist the help of our professionals. With a wealth of knowledge and understanding – and with up-to-date information about what does and what doesn’t work online – we can make sure that your business has campaigns that tick every box.


Whether you need PPC campaigns created from scratch or you need an existing campaign tweaked and improved, we are on hand to help. Get in touch with Profici to find out more.



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