Organic Vs. Paid Social Media - What's Best For My Business? - Profici

			Organic Vs. Paid Social Media – What’s Best For My Business?

Organic Vs. Paid Social Media – What’s Best For My Business?

If you know anything about digital marketing as a business, you will know that social media plays a big part. It’s an effective way of sharing content, connecting with customers or clients, and boosting brand awareness. There are two types of social media marketing, organic and paid. Though these two both utilise the same social media platforms – such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter – they work in very different ways.

What is Organic Social Media

Organic social media is anything a business does that does not use a paid promotion. It’s the type of post that everyone has made at some point. This could include posting written content, images and videos. Hashtags are a key part of organic social media, as they are how users can find content that’s relevant to them.

For example, a digital marketing company could post: “Do you understand SEO? Check out our recent blog to find out more! #digitalmarketing #seo Not only does this organic post direct followers to the business’ website, but the hashtags help the post to reach people who are likely to be interested in what’s being offered.

What is Paid Social Media?

Paid social media is a type of advertising, and it involves a business paying to showcase their content on a specific social media platform. A paid post will be boosted to a certain demographic, location or interest. With an ad spend budget, a business can specify how much they want to spend on the promotion. The majority of social media platforms offer paid social media opportunities, including Facebook and YouTube.

Before beginning a paid promotion, a budget is selected. This is the maximum that will be spent on advertising the post, which allows businesses to carefully manage how much they spend.

Organic Vs. Paid Social Media?

There are a lot of benefits to paid social media, such as raising brand awareness and generating leads. It also helps a business to advertise deals and offers to their target audience. Instead of posting and hoping it’s seen by the right people, hoping it’s not lost among the other business posts, paid social media ensures it’s at the forefront. However, this does come at a financial cost, and is only worthwhile with a good ROI.

Organic social media is free to use, and only requires the time needed to create content and post. This makes it a cost effective and affordable digital marketing tool for any business. It also helps to maintain an online presence and build a loyal online community. The downside is that there are no guarantees that organic social media will be seen by the right people.

What Channel is Best for My Business?

There are certainly benefits to using both organic and paid social media, which can make it difficult to choose the right one for you. At Profici, we are on hand to help. We offer a wide range of social media marketing services, including helping you with paid promotions. Get in touch with our talented team or give us a call on 0151 319 8550 to find out more.