When you are putting time and money into social media marketing, it’s important to know whether your efforts are being successful. Otherwise, you don’t know if you should change tactics or split your budget differently. Here’s how to measure success on social media.
Choose a Focus
Before you start any social media marketing campaign, you need to determine your focus. You might be tempted to head to Facebook or Instagram and post, post and post some more. But, you need to have a goal or aim in mind. Think about what you are hoping to achieve from social media and tailor your approach accordingly. Are you trying to get a growing number of views and clicks, or are you hoping to make sales? Do you want people to sign up to your newsletter, or are you trying to boost brand awareness?
Conversion Tracking
You can learn a lot about your social media success by tracking your conversions. This can be done easily on most social media platforms and it shows how much interaction a post has had. You can track click throughs to your website, purchases that have come from social media and how many views a post has had.
Lead Questionnaire
One of the best ways to measure success on social media is to ask your customers how you are doing. It’s not always possible to get an accurate insight into how successful your efforts are using social media metrics alone, so it’s worth asking customers and leads what influenced their decision. A quick way to do this is to ask them how they found you, was it via social media or a recommendation from a friend? Did they stumble across you on Google or did another business direct them there?
A lot of businesses make the mistake of focusing too much on social media metrics, and not enough on the influence that their social media efforts are having. It’s unlikely that you will ever get the full story from social media, as it doesn’t always reflect the impact that you are having on someone. Unless someone comments or engages with your business in some way, it’s impossible to know whether they have seen what you are offering, and whether they liked what they saw. Social media is more of a soft sell and it doesn’t always translate directly to sales, so make sure to factor in the power of influencing opinion, rather than focusing solely on the numbers.
At Profici, we have a wide range of digital marketing services for you to choose from, and this includes social media marketing. We understand that social media marketing can be complex and time consuming, so we are here to handle everything from beginning to end. Regardless of the size of your business or industry, we can help with paid and organic social media. Get in touch to find out more.

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