How to Improve Your Customer Service via Instagram - Profici

			How to Improve Your Customer Service via Instagram

How to Improve Your Customer Service via Instagram

Customer service is important because it helps to build customer loyalty and it solidifies your business as one that is worth choosing in the industry. Even if your business already provides a good level of customer service, it’s likely that improvements can be made, and many of these can be done via Instagram.

Why Use Instagram For Customer Service

There are a lot of social media platforms out there, but Instagram is one of the best in terms of customer service. It’s easy to speak to followers via comments and direct messages, and it has good shop front functionality. Keep reading to find out how your customer service can be improved via Instagram.

Respond to Any Messages and Comments

Once you have solidified yourself on Instagram, you will find that followers begin to send you messages or leave comments on your posts. This engagement is great for brand awareness, but only if you respond to it. Make sure to respond to messages and comments, and interact with followers as much as possible. It shows that you value them and it encourages them to continue to engage with your profile.

Provide Content Information

Though some people are happy enough to contact you on Instagram, others will want to get in touch via phone or email. Make this as easy as possible by providing your contact details as part of your Instagram bio. This will encourage people to get in touch should they want to, and it saves them the trouble of looking for your details elsewhere.

Request Feedback

One of the best ways to improve your customer service via Instagram is to go right to the source, by asking customers themselves! Engage with your followers to find out what can be improved. It will give you a good insight into how others view your customer service and where upgrades can be made. Plus, it will make your followers feel valued.

Add FAQs via Your Story Highlights

Even if your products and services are straightforward, customers are still likely to have questions. You will quickly see that a lot of people ask the same questions, and so having FAQs is helpful. Not only do customers have their questions answered immediately, but it saves you from having to answer the same queries time and time again. On Instagram, put yourself in your customers shoes and answer FAQs in your pinned stories. This way you can supply vital information for followers.

At Profici, we understand the part social media plays in digital marketing. It’s something that all businesses, large and small, should be utilising as a way to reach a wider target audience. We also know that keeping on top of Instagram comments and posts can be tough, but we are here to help. Get in touch with Profici today to find out more about how Instagram can work for your business.

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