How Do We Measure ROI in Content Marketing? - Profici

			How Do We Measure ROI in Content Marketing?

How Do We Measure ROI in Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the process of creating and sharing content online, as a way to share information about products, services and the business as a whole. There are various forms of content that can be used in marketing including blogs, infographics, videos and social media posts. The aim of content marketing is to get potential customers interested in what you have to offer, without obviously promoting what you are selling. To determine whether your content marketing campaign is working, we measure ROI.

What is Content Marketing ROI?

There is a lot that goes into content marketing, ranging from coming up with ideas and developing a plan, to creating the content and distributing it. This can be time consuming and costly, which is why having a good ROI is so important. ROI – which stands for Return on Investment – is a way of determining how much money you are making from an investment. In content marketing, ROI is used to judge how well your content marketing efforts are doing at bringing in a profit.

Calculating Your Spending

In order to measure ROI in content marketing, we need to work out how much it costs you to create and share the content. This means working out your research, production and distribution costs, both in terms of hard costs and time. Things such as outsourced labour, software licences and PPC costs should all be taken into account.

Calculating Your Revenue

It’s equally important to calculate your revenue, as this gives us an idea of how much money your content marketing efforts could be bringing in. We do this by tracking traffic and conversions for individual pages, campaigns and content.

Calculating Your ROI

Once we have your spending and revenue calculated, we can determine your ROI and we do this by comparing the figures. It’s important to remember that some of the benefit is intangible in the form of brand awareness and delayed action, so it’s likely that your content is doing more benefit than your ROI might initially lead you to believe.

At Profici, we know how important ROI is, especially if you are working with a limited budget or you are a small business. This is why we go above and beyond to measure ROI in content marketing, so we know that you are getting the most out of your content marketing efforts. If we feel as though the ROI could be improved, we implement the necessary changes and ensure that you are getting the most out of your marketing budget. Get in touch with our knowledgeable team to find out more.

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