The 4 Types of Corporate Strategy to Help Grow Your Business - Profici

			The 4 Types of Corporate Strategy to Help Grow Your Business

The 4 Types of Corporate Strategy to Help Grow Your Business

Understanding the various types of corporate strategy is important for any business, especially if you want to grow and evolve in a competitive business landscape. There are four types of corporate strategy: Growth, Stability, Retrenchment and Reinvention – all of which can propel your business forward. By familiarising yourself with the ins and outs of these strategies, you can start working on how to effectively allocate resources, adapt to market changes and achieve your long-term business goals. It doesn’t matter whether you’re hoping to expand your market presence, streamline operations or completely transform your business, knowing these four corporate strategies will equip you with the tools you need to succeed.



What is Corporate Strategy?

We can all agree that business success is important. Otherwise, what’s the point in dedicating time, money, and resources to building an organisation? But, success isn’t something that happens on its own, and it’s certainly not something that happens overnight. For the majority of businesses, success isn’t an accident, it’s the result of multiple good decisions made at the correct times. For most businesses, success is determined by careful planning and preparation, and then the perfect execution of those plans. Planning as a business starts with developing a corporate strategy.


Corporate strategy is the most important plan for a company, as it outlines the key objectives and directions of the business. It serves as an overall plan that focuses on the business portfolio and aims to increase value. To create a corporate strategy, it’s important to concentrate on the organisational structure of the business and identify any issues. This strategic planning ensures that every part of the business aligns with the broader goals and objectives.



The Importance of Having Corporate Strategy

Don’t underestimate the importance of having a corporate strategy, as there are numerous benefits for your business.


  • It Helps to Effectively Allocate Resources – You only have a certain amount of resources to work with, and the way that they are allocated can have a huge impact on your business’ success. Having a corporate strategy helps to prioritise the use of resources, making sure that they are invested in areas that offer the highest returns and maximum productivity.


  • It Encourages Long-Term Success – Corporate strategy ensures that a business is not just focused on short-term gains, but is also planning for long-term sustainability and success. It helps you to build a resilient business, one that can withstand market fluctuations and other external challenges.


  • It Boosts Employee Engagement – When employees understand the business’ strategic objectives and how their roles contribute to these goals, they are more likely to be engaged and motivated at work. Corporate strategy creates a sense of purpose and belonging, enhancing job satisfaction and employee retention.


  • It Helps With Decision Making – Corporate strategy can help you to make informed decisions. It helps leaders and managers to evaluate various approaches to solving a problem, and then choose the best course of action. With a strategy in place, you can make decisions that are consistent with the key objectives of the business, reducing the risk of making the wrong choice.


  • It Gives You a Competitive Advantage – A detailed corporate strategy enables you to identify and capitalise on your business’ strengths, opportunities and market trends. By standing out from competitors, the business can gain a competitive advantage, attract more customers and enhance its market position. By planning, it’s a lot easier to anticipate market changes and for the business to respond effectively.


  • It Provides Direction – Corporate strategy provides clear direction and focus for the entire business. It outlines the main objectives and goals, ensuring that every department and employee understands your vision and mission. This helps to eliminate confusion, and it ensures that everyone’s efforts are working towards shared goals.


  • It Helps to Identify Potential Risks – Corporate strategy includes identifying potential risks and developing plans to mitigate them. By preparing for uncertainties, a business can minimise the impact of these events, and better weather the storm. This approach to risk management is proactive, and it ensures business continuity and stability.


  • It Achieves Strategic Alignment – A corporate strategy ensures that all areas and departments within the business are aligned with the overall vision, objectives and goals. This strategic alignment helps to improve coordination and collaboration from one team to the next.



The 4 Main Corporate Strategy Types

There are four types of corporate strategy; growth, stability, retrenchment and reinvention. Though no two businesses are the same, the majority of organisations will have a corporate strategy that falls into one of these categories.


1. Growth Strategy 

A growth corporate strategy focuses on expanding the business operations and market presence. This type of strategy is put in place to increase the business’ size, market share, revenue and profitability. There are various ways to approach growth as a business, such as

increasing sales of existing products in current markets, expanding into new geographic areas or customer segments with existing products, or introducing new products to meet changing market demands. Some businesses even choose to enter new markets with new products.

Growth strategies are important for businesses that are looking to achieve long-term and sustainable growth.



2. Stability Strategy  

A stability strategy works to maintain the current balance within a business, with a focus on maintaining existing operations without any big changes. This type of strategy tends to be chosen when the external environment is stable and the business is performing well. It often involves focusing on preserving the current market share and customer base, enhancing productivity to increase profits, and ensuring the business has consistent revenue streams.

Stability strategies are beneficial for businesses that aren’t at risk, or those that have limited growth opportunities within the industry.



3. Retrenchment Strategy

A retrenchment strategy involves reducing operations to cut costs, improve efficiency and stabilise the business’ finances. This strategy is usually chosen when a business is facing financial difficulties or a declining market share, or if it’s struggling to remain efficient. Reducing operational costs by downsizing or streamlining processes are often part of a retrenchment strategy, as is selling parts of the business to focus on more profitable areas. Some businesses incorporate reorganisation into a retrenchment strategy, in the hope of improving efficiency. Retrenchment strategies are important for businesses wanting to overcome challenges to ensure there’s a shot at future growth.


4. Reinvention Strategy


A reinvention strategy involves changing the business model and operations of an organisation This strategy tends to be adopted when a company needs to adapt to significant changes in the external environment, such as technological advancements, market disruptions or changes in consumer behaviour. This could involve developing new products, services or technologies to meet changing market demands. It could also mean embracing technology and using it to

enhance efficiency and customer experience. If the market has changed a lot, a reinvention strategy could involve changing the business model to ensure it aligns with market trends and opportunities. Reinvention strategies are essential for businesses looking to remain relevant and competitive, especially in an evolving business landscape.

Tackle Corporate Strategy with the Profici Team

As you can see, with four corporate strategies to choose from, it’s not simply a case of using a ‘one size fits all’ approach. The right corporate strategy for you will depend on business type, industry, size and your long-term objectives. Luckily, you don’t have to strategise alone.


A lot of business owners find corporate strategy daunting, and we understand why. With four ways of approaching corporate strategy, and a business on the line, it’s a good idea to seek the help, support and guidance of professionals. At Profici, we help businesses to reach their full potential. This could mean scaling and growing your business, or helping you to break into new markets. We’ll even help you with partnerships and selling your business if that’s what you’re interested in. To find out more about Profici and what we do, get in touch with our helpful team.

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