5 Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses - Profici

			5 Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses

5 Social Media Post Ideas for Businesses

Though the act of posting on social media is easy, coming up with interesting and relevant posts can be tough as a business. It’s important to be informative, without being boring. It’s important to be engaging, without being repetitive. You need to keep things varied, and this can be done by ‘mixing and matching’ the type of things you post online.

Below, we have listed five of the best social media post ideas for businesses.

Client/Customer Testimonials/Reviews

Sharing positive feedback will demonstrate your value, highlighting why customers should pick you over one of your competitors. A lot of people choose a business based on the experiences of others; if you share a review that details your impressive customer service and high quality products, you could convince someone to head over to your website and make a purchase for themselves.


Sharing your latest blog helps to get exposure for your website, as a lot of people will click on the link to read the whole post. It’s also a good way to showcase your knowledge and expertise, showing that you are not simply another brand, but a company that knows what it’s talking about.

Company Culture

Sharing information about your company’s culture will allow you to convey your brand message and help people to get to know you. It’s a way to put a ‘face to the name’, and it provides a glimpse into what happens behind the scenes. Posting about company culture humanises your brand to followers and customers. 

Industry News

Sharing industry news on social media shows that you are aware of what’s happening in your industry, and you are confident enough to share that information with your followers. It’s a great way to showcase yourself as an informed, knowledgeable and authoritative player in the industry. If someone wants to stay up to date with relevant news, they know that you are a valuable source to follow. It makes your social media page a ‘go to’ place for updates.

Ask Questions 

By asking questions on social media, you will encourage your followers to engage with you. Not only does this remind them of who you are and what you do, but it helps to boost the visibility of your business online. There are a lot of companies using social media, but having engaged followers – those who comment, link and share your posts – helps you to stand out. It’s also an effective way of making your audience feel more valued, as asking questions implies that you are interested in what they have to say.

Speak To Our Experts

At Profici, we have a wide range of digital marketing services for you to choose from, and this includes social media marketing. We work with paid and organic social media, and we tailor our approach to your individual business needs. To find out more about marketing your business on social media, speak to our marketing experts today.

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