10 Signs That Tell You It's Time for a New Website - Profici

			10 Signs That Tell You It’s Time for a New Website

10 Signs That Tell You It’s Time for a New Website

A website is a key component of your business’ online presence and it’s a significant part of your digital marketing campaign. It’s important to keep your website up to date to ensure it does a good job of bringing in leads and sales, informing customers and boosting brand awareness. If your website isn’t working quite as well as it once was, it could be time for an update.


How to Know When It’s Time for a New Website

There are a variety of ways to know when it’s time for a new website, so you don’t need to take the plunge on a hunch. Things such as poor loading speeds, not being responsive and out-of-date content are all signs that it might be time for an update.


  1. Out-of-Date Website Design – There are a lot of websites out there, so a website with an out-of-date or unprofessional design can stand out for all of the wrong reasons. If your website looks old and dated, it’s probably time for a new website. Not only is a freshly designed website more likely to grab your audience’s attention, but it shows that you take your online presence seriously.
  2. It’s Not Responsive – An increasing number of people are accessing websites via smartphones and tablets, and your website needs to be responsive enough to work on these mobile devices. A responsive website is one that responds to the size of the screen that it’s being viewed on, adapting to ensure that the user always has a flawless online experience.
  3. Poor User Experience – A lot of older websites were designed without thinking about user experience, which often leads to users struggling to successfully navigate the website. Users need to be able to find information easily, quickly and in a way that works for them. If your website is slow to load and confusing to use, it could be time for a new website.
  4. Poor SEO Performance – There is no denying the importance of SEO. But, not all websites are cut out for search engine optimisation success. If your website isn’t ranking well in search engine results, it might be time for something new. A website that’s designed with SEO in mind can improve visibility, traffic and SEO success.
  5. Slow Loading Times – Users want to be able to access a website and its information quickly, they don’t want to wait too long for pages to load. Slow loading times can lead to higher bounce rates, increasing the chances of someone taking their business elsewhere. If your website pages are slow to load, it could be time for an update.
  6. Ineffective CTAs – Regardless of who you are and what you do, your website will have a goal. This could be to encourage users to make a purchase, to get in touch or to sign up for a newsletter. If you aren’t getting the desired results, it might be time for a new website, one with improved calls to action.
  7. Old Content – We can all agree that content is king in the world of digital marketing. Website content needs to be fresh, up-to-date, informative, engaging and relevant to your target audience. If your content is outdated or rarely updated, it might be time to switch to a new website with an improved content management system. This will make it easier to keep content fresh.
  8. Security Issues – It’s important for a website to be secure, especially if it’s handling sensitive information, such as customer payment information and personal details. If your website is prone to hacking or other security vulnerabilities, it’s probably time for a new, reliable and more secure platform.
  9. Low Conversion Rates – An effective website is one that takes a website visitor and converts them into a loyal, paying customer. If your website is not converting visitors into customers or leads, it could be worthwhile to consider a new design with improved conversion optimisation capabilities. There is very little point to having a website if visitors are clicking on, browsing and clicking straight off again.
  10. Competitor Advancement – There are a lot of competitor businesses out there, many of which are vying for the same customers as you. If your competitors have more modern, user-friendly websites, you might find that you fall behind. After all, as an online user, you are more likely to pay attention to websites that impress you. With a new website, you have a better chance of attracting, engaging and retaining customers. It’s important to catch up or surpass other businesses to remain competitive.


As you can see, there are a number of things that tell you it’s time for a new website. You might find that a lot of these apply to your website, or you might find that only one or two are relevant. Remember, the sooner you update your website, the sooner you can enjoy the benefits.


New Website Design and Development at Profici

If you think it’s time for a new website, you have come to the right place. At Profici, our talented website design and development team are on hand to help. It doesn’t matter if you have an existing website that needs updating, or you need a website created from scratch, we can design and develop an online presence that ticks every box. We understand that no two businesses are alike, and so we completely tailor our approach to you. We take your industry, audience, services and products into account, before designing a website to rival your competitors. Get in touch with the Profici team to find out more.