How Do We Generate Content Marketing Ideas? - Profici

			How Do We Generate Content Marketing Ideas?

How Do We Generate Content Marketing Ideas?

A lot of people make the mistake of assuming that content marketing is easy; it’s simply a case of coming up with an idea and creating a small piece of content, right? No, content marketing relies on generating engaging and interesting content marketing ideas, which is easier said than done. This is why a lot of people hand things over to a specialist agency, such as Profici. Below, we detail how we generate content marketing ideas that your customers are sure to love.

Competitor Research

There is a lot that goes into content marketing, and the hard work starts before any content is created, and any marketing is done. The first thing that we do is research your competitors and other similar businesses in your industry. We see what your competitors are writing, making videos about and posting on social media, and we identify any clear gaps. We also take the time to see what is working for your competitors, and what could be improved upon. Using this information, we are able to develop a content marketing strategy that ticks every box.

Customer Queries

There is a lot of freedom in regards to content marketing ideas, you really can create content on a range of topics related to your business, but it’s important to keep things relevant. You need to create content that customers want to see, which is why we use customer queries to generate ideas. We take a look at what queries you receive from customers, and we set out to provide informative answers. This is likely to engage, inform and impress your target audience.

Trending Topics

As a business, it’s important to show that you are aware of what’s going on in the world around you, especially in your industry. This is why we use trending topics to generate content marketing ideas. Checking the news both generally and in your industry can help you identify current topics of interest. This will help you to create content that customers are likely to be interested in.


We can all agree that two heads are better than one, so meet with your colleagues to generate fresh content marketing ideas. Though you might have run out of content topics, your colleagues could have a whole host of ideas that are perfect for your business.

At Profici, we understand that content marketing can be a complex area of digital marketing, especially if it’s something that you’re not too familiar with. Luckily, we are always on hand to help. We provide a wide range of digital marketing services, and this includes expert content marketing. To find out more, get in touch with our helpful team today.

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